about fig

Elizabeth “fig” Harris, MT-BC

Music therapist, music instructor, performing artist

Trans voice alteration specialist 



Fig feels like listening to queer pop in a mid century cathedral.

Elizabeth Harris, the brain behind fig, is currently based in Pittsburgh, PA and has been creating community and performing for 5+ years. 

They became a board-certified music therapist after they studied music therapy and jazz voice at Duquesne University (Class of 2017), and in 2020, she started her own business FIG NEW TUNES LLC, for private music therapy, music instruction, and their own music performance ventures and experiments. In 2022, she was trained by Renee Yoxon to teach trans voice alteration, a perfect blending of her music therapy skills and vocal coaching knowledge, to help those achieve a comfortable and gender affirming vocal range.

She has been creating music under fig since 2016; her classical voice juxtaposed with creative riffs and pop beats parallel the duality of her traditional Catholic background and queer radicalism. 

Fig dreams of a day where those two aren’t seen as conflicting. Biblically, figs are dualistic. They’re prosperous as often as their rotting signifies loss. Elizabeth sees her own duality as an internal fight, created because of society's expectations that we can only be one thing or nothing at all. 

Fig is a place to unleash those feelings.

You can find them @fignewtunes on all platforms.