sound sunday- july 28

sound sunday- july 28


I’ve been really interested in figuring out how to combine my love for ambient music with my music therapy practice. In my creative processes in Ableton I  have begun to discover how to blend my field recordings, my melodies, and my own electronically created instruments into a relaxation experience using progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery. The way that the music ebbs and flows and shifts throughout the experience but also has a sustaining beat or drone, a holding rhythmic structure, creates the experience. Feeling held during a guided relaxation is important and a steady beat, similar to that of our heart, keeps us in the moment without feeling anxious in the ambience. 

Bring a blanket or a yoga mat and relish in this guided music therapy relaxation experience!

I’ll be making a variety of snacks and will have pre and post slips for you to fill out so that I  can get your input on the session before and after we’re done. 

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